Transforming Your Live Event With Audio Visual Technology


Whether the focus is Brand-Building, Community Awareness, Client-Building or Social Networking, live events and meetings foster relationships, learning and knowledge sharing. Face-to-face connections remain the most effective way to convert leads by offering potential clients or customers the opportunity to experience the look, feel and personality of your brand. Incorporating audio visual elements to events add a component of non-spoken communication as lighting and sound can support a brand identity or set the mood in a room. Great event planners know having the right Audio Visual technicians on-hand makes the difference between an event that sizzles or one that fizzles.

Cost factors involved with incorporating AV technology often cause event planners to cut corners.  With today’s technology, anyone with a smart phone may feel they have all they need to incorporate sound or, at least, some elements of recording and projection.  While this may seem like a logical way to avoid unnecessary expenses, top event planners know the all too expensive cost of a failed mic or projector. Professional AV technicians arrive on-site, with all the experience and gear necessary.

Skilled AV technicians know how to transform a designer’s concepts into real experiences. They consistently communicate with event designers from the planning stage to post production and, most importantly, throughout the actual event.  Professional, experienced technicians provide the backbone to any event, large or small, handling every detail including lighting and sound management, projection, camera operation and live-webcasting to video and recording.  They plan for room size and equipment installation requirements ensuring every element of the production connects with the senses of every person in attendance. This expertise only comes with on-the-job experience and a passion for staying abreast of the latest trends and technology.

Call us for a quote!

(818) 707-7368
